"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thanks to those of you who commented or called in response to my last blog.

I know there is more I can do to make a home for myself here...it's just hard and it's been much easier to blame it on location, situations, and the difficulty of breaking in to other's already tight knit social groupings (which IS difficult at my age, but not impossible).

I think what will help with my feelings of home is when we are no longer paying rent and I can paint the walls whatever color I want and hang up pictures without worrying about making holes in the walls, etc. In June 2009, J and I will be looking to purchase our first home together. Mads will just be entering 7th grade and the baby will not be one yet, so next summer will be the perfect time.

For those who read my blog and are interested in "baby news", I put more of that on my myspace blog then here...

Talk to y'all soon!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I never thought I would miss it so much.
Home--Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.
Home is where the trees are green and thick and lush this time of year…and there is a group of them in this thing they call a forest. And, in that forest, there are paths cut for people to walk, jog, run, ride a bike…or just stroll along listening to the sounds of the birds and watching little animals scurry through the underbrush.
Home is where the humidity is so thick, you are sweating with no exertion.
Home is where my dad and mom are. I want to help them live better lives. I just feel like my dad needs me as much as I need him.
Home is where my family is, too. I don’t know how I’ll not share this pregnancy with my sister. Who will I hit the clearance racks for the next season with?
Home is where my friends are. Sara…my other female half.
Home is where I can drive an hour to see the University of Michigan, 3 hours to a Bears game, 1 hour to the Pistons and Shock.
Home is where Mads would have grandparents, aunts and uncles, trips to Tennessee and Kentucky.
Home is where family offers their house and a meal when your budget is tight and there's is, too.

But isn’t home where he is, too? Too bad the two don’t like each other.

Because what it means is…I have no home.

I am extremely homesick right now.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18

And all is well!

It is the morning time and I am procrastinating...I need to get in the shower so I can make my way over to the winery where we are doing a little fundraiser for the girls' basketball team. It's a great thing, the Madera Wine Trail-we'll be at Birdstone on Rd. 36.

Other than that...I am 15 weeks pregnant today.

I don't know if it's a boy or girl.

November 9, but I'm being induced October 26.

No, you can't touch my belly.

Oh...sorry...seems like a canned response I need to get printed on a T-shirt.


Only a couple weeks left of school! Whoo hoo! Then a couple weeks off (of school not basketball)...a WEDDING IN COLORADO...How exciting...

Ok....going to take a shower now.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Gone Shoppin'

I did it. Today I went shopping for maternity clothes!

I am in that stage where my clothes don't fit comfortably, and maternity clothes are too big, but I bought em anyway.

The store I went to has this baby bump that you can velcro on and I got a glimpse of the future! I am apprehensive and excited at the same time. At least if I had a bump people would think I was pregnant (not just chubby...which is what everyone thinks because I am only 13 weeks).

In any event, I like what I got and I like that J went with me. It was fun to share the experience with him.

By the time I see most of you...I will be about 20 weeks and out of this stage. Whoo hoo!