"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hey, Jay! I'm almost married!

Yeah, I know...I have been a little sluggish in the blogging as I have been a little busy thinking about, oh, I don't know, say...



Many have asked about any "itinerary" for the weekend?

Thursday? Some are coming in Thursday and hitting the sheets or the nightlife. I say this...
Someone call someone else and coordinate for the evening. Let folks know where other folks are gonna be so we have some options of meeting up or doing whatever!

Friday? I would like it, however it is not expected because if it were expected that would mean I would be paying for it, if everyone who is in town on Friday would be willing to meet for dinner at one of the establishments in Mandalay Bay at 8 p.m. so everyone can meet and we can show peeps where the chapel is, etc... Then... again, if everyone would like...we could go out together and party until whenever. Joe'l and I have given ourselves curfews so we look our best for the big day but y'all are welcomed to party wherever with whomever!

Saturday? Guests need to be seated at 6:15 p.m. Wedding party members... We will be getting ready in my room and I will give you a time as to when. After the wedding, there is a dinner reception at the buffet in Mandalay Bay from 7:30 to 9. After the dinner reception... hanging out with the wedding party is again optional. We realize this is a vacation for many people as well, so we understand if y'all go your way. I would like it if people would stay together for a little bit for a few drinks and runnings around (cuz I wanna look important), but I am just the bride and not paying for everything so I can't really make ya! :0 Hahaha

See y'all soon!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fresno Race for the Cure...

is October 27.

Stig and I did our first walk 4 years back (I think it was 4 years when the superhero who just had knee surgery decided she could still get 'er done...and did)!

Last year, I walked in Toledo, Ohio with my dad as my mom rode the survivors pacer bus. Unfortunately, it wasn't everything it should have been because I was suffering from an "episode" (polite way of saying I was a mental basket case). I really don't remember much of the event. I went through the day going through the motions but no one was home...

Why am I telling you this?

I made the decision that I will enter this year's race as a racing participant. I am not happy where I was mentally last year focusing too much on the negative and not on the positive. I am not happy that I spend so much time focusing on my weight and not my fitness level.

So, I have begun "training" for my first timed event (Oct. 27). The race is 3.1 miles (5K). Yesterday at the gym, I completed 3 miles in 37 minutes (total of 4 in 50), but it was hard and this morning I am in pain, but I feel good because I have a goal. At least for the next 3 months, I am not going to concern myself with my weight with training for this event.

The goal? 3.1 in 30 minutes.

Wish me luck... while I put down this do-nut! Ha just kidding D'oh!

Monday, July 16, 2007

A mouse in the house...or NOT

Not that I WANT to have a rodent in my house, but it frustrates me that as soon as I report to the landlord that I hear a rodent in the wall or in the bathroom...I don't hear it any more. So, when the pest control guy comes...he's like "and what do you want me to do about it?"

Watch...later today....the freakin' rodent will come out and stare at me "ha ha ha ha"!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Is it really July 8?

Yesterday made it one month until Joe'l and I will be married in Vegas! Wow...

When I look back on the last month (one month ago on the 8th...I was finishing my last day at Ottawa Hills High School in Ohio), I am amazed. From Ohio to Fresno to San Diego to Fresno! It has just been the last couple of days that I have been able to start settling in and making a home for us here.

I was so excited to see Adam and Ed at art hop! Both of them (of you) are excellent artists! It was beautiful to see their work compliment one other.

Since, it's summer break...I don't have a lot of exciting news other than the keeping up with the goings-on.

But...stay cool (wow, that totally felt like I was writing in someone's yearbook in 7th grade but of course, I was referring to the temperature)!