"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Sarah Palin We Can Do It Small Poster > We Can Do It > RightLeaning.com CafePress


Someone is using the image of one of the greatest know feminist icons to promote Sarah Palin?

I can't believe how much "star power" this woman has for doing and know so little...especially about and for woman!


Saturday, September 20, 2008



I am so proud to be a ROCKET tonight!

Congratulations to Coach Amstuz on making a gutsy call that just didn't pan out! It was the right call and we were behind you!

We might have lost...but we lost going for the win of a game that no one expected us to win!

Congratulations Toledo Rockets...you made people pay attention!

Funny. Raw, but FUNNY!

"I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude..."

And...Tom Cruise was hilarious.


Tropic Thunder. Again...funny, but crude...worth a thoughtless laugh.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I don't know why, but this election is causing me some serious stress. The other day I caught myself wondering which thing I was more excited to see conclude...the election or my pregnancy (since both will be wrapping up around the same time)!

I want to scream at people who make less that $250,000 a year, are female or any other minority, and/or those who want to use their religious affiliation by suggesting moral authority in choosing a candidate--who aren't voting for Obama.

In the past, I was up for a good debate, but honestly...I don't know if it's because I am pregnant and have a much shorter fuse, or if I am just tired of what has been illogical management of our country and its resources...or maybe both? Sadly...I don't even have the vocabulary to debate and sound intelligent and articulate. I have become one of those people who aren't even willing to hear the "other side". I know I shouldn't be that way...but I don't know what has come over me.

Frustrated that there are far LESS people in the US making what I call "Republican" money in the US who vote based on social policy alone and don't recognize the economic implication of a tax break for the middle class.

Frustrated that part of the social policy that people think they have the right to govern--determines whether my beautiful friends who love each other very much and deserve every perk marriage has to offer both spiritually and financially can reap those benefits or not--determines whether or not my daughters who I will do my best to educated about sexuality and sex have access to safe and effective means of birth control as well as the right to abort a fetus should my education (or their hormones) fall short of "abstinence only" (which obviously works so well).

Frustrated because I didn't just want ANY woman in the White House, I wanted Hillary Clinton in the White House. Honestly...the woman has been a pioneer for women and social injustice for the better part of her life, but the woman that's being presented to us wants more restrictions placed on women, to drill more holes into the earth and the ozone, and has no platform or stance on increasing punishment (cruelty to animals gets a bigger fine in more cases than rape) for criminal offenses against women, and get lauded that she CHOSE to have her son...excuse me, but she is not allowed to be LAUDED for having a CHOICE...because according to her platform...she didn't have a CHOICE. Ok...and a little frustrated that our country is willing to right now to celebrate this woman because she may not be as "offensive" to look at...the glasses are flying off the shelf and are on back order.
Read me:
OR me:



So...November 4 is a long ways away.

Hopefully, by November 5th...I will have a new beautiful baby girl in my arms whose parents will be better able to financially provide for her while her reproductive rights remain intact.

Hopefully, my new daughter, the granddaughter of a beautiful, strong, proud Black man who made a career out of fighting for this country's freedom and fighting for those who needed his assistance in natural disasters and was taken from it too soon...and my almost 12 year-old daughter whose budding into a beautiful, strong, proud Black woman...will be presented to a US that is Presidented by another beautiful, strong, proud Black man who will fight for this country's freedom and protect it's people from the disaster of electing John McCain/Sarah Palin.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sorry So Late, Ed--But here's 8

This post is in response to Ed calling me out--okay, so he just "tagged" me, but I forgot. I never claimed to be the best blogger, but as I am sitting here watching Monday Night Football and putting off doing any meaningful work...I think it is time I respond to Ed's 8 random facts about himself with 8 random facts of my own!

1. I have not missed voting in any election since I was old enough in 1992. Why do I think this is worth mentioning about myself? Well...I lived in Ohio then...then Michigan...then Ohio...then California...then Ohio...now back in California! Whoo-hoo! This next election will be my first absentee ballot--but still not going to miss it! Too important!

2. When I was in third grade, I poured boiling water with macaroni in it down my right leg. It was insane. Still think of it everytime I make mac-n-cheese. It was painful, but nothing can keep me from mac-n-cheese.

3. When I was in high school, I went to an evangelical church with a friend. I thought it was pretty cool until the pastor had an alter call for lost souls...I went up to the alter. He was crying--but there were no tears. I left.

4. I prefer red wine to white wine.

5. The thing I have the most difficulty coping with is my parents' age. There comes a point in a person's life where he/she realizes just how precious parents are and I have, but I have also realized that my parents aren't in their 40s or 50s anymore. I worry about them. I wake up daily and go to bed every evening sending them silent words of love and protection--but in the heart of the little girl inside of me...my daddy is still 50 he just moves at the pace of 71.

6. October 25 will mark the 6th Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure I will have participated in. Even though I will not be walking the route, I will still be there and I am taking the biggest team I have ever taken. My girls' basketball team is going and many of their mothers have asked to join. I am so honored to be doing this for all women, but especially Deana Stiglich and Deena Harp. We have a sponsor this year and have T-shirt donated to us that read "In memory of Deana Stiglich" and "In celebration of Deena Harp" on the back. The front says LHS Lady Hawks with a basketball and a pink ribbon on the inside. To "The Mrs." one of these shirt will be headed your way. If anyone wants to donate...email me!

7. Any Sam Adams beer is my favorite. Sorry Harp.

8. I wish we still lived in Tower.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Been in Hiding...

...here is why I have been in hiding lately! Lugging this belly around is quite a chore! Whew!

I have actually felt pretty good...tired and slower moving, but healthy and generally in good spirits.

Generally, I say. There have been a couple of meltdowns, but that is going to happen. Good thing I have strong people around who can either put up with it or tell me to shut up. :)

We are looking at the first of November to have the baby. That means in about 7 weeks, we will be welcoming Ms. Ellery to the world. The family and I are excitedly trying to get things together and ready for her arrival. I freaked out last week because a friend of mine had her baby a month early! It was then that I realized that being a control freak is not going to be an asset in the planning of this baby. She will come when she is ready (or when the doctor gives me the right combination of drugs and stimulants to coax her out of hiding).

I do have to say...not only am I excited to meet my new baby girl...I am happily looking forward to wine and sushi again. I have not missed a lot of other things that I gave up, but those two things...hard to go without. I think the hardest part about pregnancy is giving up the major vices in my life that provided me with psychological and physical comforts. No wine. No sushi. No playing basketball. Oh well...the reward will be a healthy, beautiful baby girl...it's an all right exchange!!!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

My best friend Sara AND...

Hopefully the next President of the United States!

Sara was excited as a kid at Christmas to have met Mr. Obama who came to speak at her father's local's Labor Day Picnic in Monroe, Michigan.

The Conservatives Have Discovered Sexism?


Monday, September 01, 2008


Oh what a day…

So we bought Mads a bike the other day so she could ride back and forth between her school and mine—all the while forcing mom to work on allowing Mads to venture a little further away and gain some independence (not easy by the way). Today, we were going to drop the bike off at the high school so it would be there in the morning and it would be one less thing we had to worry about. I also needed to go to work for about an hour to update grades and get ready for classes tomorrow. Win-Win situation.

2 o’clock today we load the bike and my school stuff and whirrrr whirrrr whirrrr click click click. Are you serious? The Green Hornet sidelined?

I came in the house to put things in perspective…this isn’t the worst thing that could happen. Baby is okay. Mads is okay. Joe’l is okay. Money has been tight before so if I have to spend our ever-depleting savings…we will survive. And…good thing we found out today rather than in the morning when it could really cause a problem.

A friend had agreed to pick me up for work if I needed it (which made me happy and relax)…mother-in-law offered to let us use their extra vehicle…another friend offered to clean up the battery and put a new one in (because that was really what sounded and looked to be the problem after a little investigation).

Wow…I felt so good to know that people were willing to pitch in and help us out!

Our automotively inclined friend was able to take care of the car within an hour and I only spent less than $100!

I am now exhausted, but content. Feels good.

Mads is upset today though because we are going to be giving Domino to Adam to try out in his home. Dom’s temperament is a little more than what Simon can handle. Simon has taken to throwing up and hiding a lot—high anxiety. He doesn’t have the energy to fight Dom off like a younger can might. Simon can’t really put him in his place. We knew it was a risk we were taking getting Dom, but if you never try, you don’t really know. That being said…Simon is a spry 13 years old, but he can only handle so much. It’s like I told Mads…if she and Joe’l would have been fighting and he was mean to her all the time…he would have had to go—not her. Dom is a funny guy, spirited guy…but we gotta do what we gotta do.

Wish we going have spent some time with the Woodys tonight...but even now...work is a-calling!

And…the baby…Ellery has found my ribs and she really enjoys that Mom is 5’10”! She takes advantage of the torso space! I seriously think she has spent this whole pregnancy so far not in a fetal position, but stretched out as far as she possible can. We are expecting her November 1, 2, or 3. I need as much recovery time as possible (only taking 5 weeks off work and 2 weeks off the court). And…can’t miss election day. I haven’t yet and don’t intend to start.