"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Friday, September 12, 2008

Been in Hiding...

...here is why I have been in hiding lately! Lugging this belly around is quite a chore! Whew!

I have actually felt pretty good...tired and slower moving, but healthy and generally in good spirits.

Generally, I say. There have been a couple of meltdowns, but that is going to happen. Good thing I have strong people around who can either put up with it or tell me to shut up. :)

We are looking at the first of November to have the baby. That means in about 7 weeks, we will be welcoming Ms. Ellery to the world. The family and I are excitedly trying to get things together and ready for her arrival. I freaked out last week because a friend of mine had her baby a month early! It was then that I realized that being a control freak is not going to be an asset in the planning of this baby. She will come when she is ready (or when the doctor gives me the right combination of drugs and stimulants to coax her out of hiding).

I do have to say...not only am I excited to meet my new baby girl...I am happily looking forward to wine and sushi again. I have not missed a lot of other things that I gave up, but those two things...hard to go without. I think the hardest part about pregnancy is giving up the major vices in my life that provided me with psychological and physical comforts. No wine. No sushi. No playing basketball. Oh well...the reward will be a healthy, beautiful baby girl...it's an all right exchange!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Ooh, I just want to rub it and rub it! You look gorgeous, belly and all! Glad you're feeling well. Missing you hard.

6:35 PM

Blogger Adam said...

You can't drink wine when you're pregnant? I don't know about these doctor folks.

7:12 AM

Blogger Adam said...

You need to make sure she's on time and then try to get into the front row of an Obama rally just before the election. Posing with newborns is always a plus.

11:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are beautiful! My goodness I can't wait to meet Ms. Ellery too, she is going to be so wonderful just like your other baby girl!

By the way Obama is in Pueblo right now! Jay and I wrote him an email inviting him over for enchiladas (Obamaladas)We made a big batch for all the campaign workers here in Canon. we'll see if he and Michelle want to stop by. hahahahah it's so sill but fun!

5:28 PM

Blogger Rebecca said...

Lee--I am not a Buddha...although I feel like one!

Adam--no kidding. No wine? But people from generations prior came out all right from years of boozing and smoking. And, so goes the commercial--maybe I want a smaller birth weight baby.

I think she might actually be born really close to the election. Note her name Ellery (sound like some other candidate you might have heard of). Maybe I should have thought of something like Barakana!

The Mrs--wait til you see my other "baby" girl. Chopped the ponytail for the stacked bob do! Very cute.
I love that you made them all your famous Obamaladas! Hey...since Ellen didn't show for your wedding, maybe you'll get the Obamas for supper! How cool would that be! Can't wait to see you both at Thanksgiving!

7:21 PM


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