"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, November 27, 2008

R.I.P Simon (2/1995-11/2008)

At 3:15 this morning, Simon was put down due to unexpected circumstances. Around 2 a.m. he began crying trying to dislodge a hair ball. In the act of this, he apparently threw a clot that had been developing due to a heart murmur that he has had from birth. Sadly, this paralyzed his hind legs and prevented him from walking while causing him pain. According to the vet, there was nothing we could have done to prevent it. We chose to have Simon pass with the dignity and respect he deserved for all of the years of love and comfort he provided for us.
Simon was my best furry friend. He was there with me through everything in the last 13 years. Ohio. College. Marriage. Graduation. Child birth. Divorce. Michigan. California. Heart break. True love. Marriage. Another child birth. And so much more.
Today, on this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the years he was with me.
I am thankful that I was home for him.
I am thankful that Joel, Mads, and I were there with him in the end.
I am thankful that my mom was here to sit with Elle during that difficult time.
Why does it take death to make us realize how precious time is?
Thank you, Simon for making sure that this Thanksgiving and everyday that I will not take those I love for granted. I am just sorry I didn't tell him I loved him everyday.
RIP Simon.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving 2008

What are you thankful for?

Here are 10 things I am thankful for!

1. My daughter Madissen is sitting on the couch feeding her baby sister, Ellery. It is a fantastic sight! They are both beautiful little girls!

2. My dad--my hero and the first love of my life--is sitting in a chair across the room from me. I love him. I miss him. But, he is here now and I am going to soak him in while I can!

3. My mom is sitting on the couch next to my daughters. There is something special about that generational female connection. My mom taught Madissen how to make her coffee cake and strawberry bread this week. It's nice to become a mom again and be mothered at the same time.

4. My husband is sitting on the floor in front of my daughters drinking a Guinness. I love when we can afford to buy the good stuff.

5. My health is great! Going back to the gym will make me feel even better!

6. I have a great and fulfilling job! I am thankful for this in a time of economic uncertainty.

7. I love the girls that I am coaching. I give them a hard time sometimes, but they pull through. They are the kind of girls I should hope my daughters would become.

8. I have great friends. Thank you Woodys for bringing food in the days after we brought Elle home! Thanks to the Bennett family and the Lewis family, too! It was great seeing Becky and Jay...but sad that it has been almost the same amount of time passed since I saw Adam, Ed, Mike, Heather... I have to work on that.

9. ...I don't need much else...that's enough :)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Personal, Not Political...

Ok...Now that I have ranted...

Let's bring the focus back to the realities of my life in recent days from a personal level.

Madissen played in her first competitive basketball game on Monday. She is on the seventh grade basketball team as a sixth grader. I couldn't go because it was in Coalinga--a little too far from home right now. Her team won 20-6. She scored 12 points. :) And played pretty well on the defensive end from what I hear.

Well--I got to go watch her play last night because it was a home game. It was so much fun to watch her play. She gets the game pretty well. She posts up AND plays the guard sometimes. They won 14-4...she eventually was asked to sit for the marjority of the second half because she already had 8 points and was having to easy of a time with the other team. She was upset because the other team was so late they played 5 minute running quarters so she didn't get to play much, but she is learning to be a good sport still.


Ellery is doing well. She doesn't play basketball yet, but between sleeping, eating, and pooping...she doesn't have much time. It is hard to tell if she is getting bigger because she is newborn, she stays squished up like she is still in the womb. She eats well--we have her on soy formula right now and she seems to like that. I didn't take her to Mads's game last night because I thought she was too little. I didn't realize people think I am not a good mom because I went to watch my other daughter without my newborn who was home spending quality time with her daddy--ok, no, no one said it, but it was the "how can you leave her...don't you want to be home with her" comments that hurt my feelings. Of course, I love her! But, I have 2 kids who need me. Oh well...Mads loved that I was there and Elle had a nice time bonding with daddy.


Joe'l is exhausted! Keep him in your positive thoughts!


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What? How did this happen? Obama-you have a mess to clean up! Please help us!

I posted my bittersweet comments on Adam's blog, but this morning I am OUTRAGED at this country.

Good for us...we elected Barack Obama...this excites me about the change possible in America!

BUT, what the hell happened in California, Nebraska, Arkansas, Arizona, and Florida?

California, Arizona, Florida all passed bans on gay marriage.

Nebraska voted to END affirmative action.

and Arkansas...ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME? They voted so that homosexuals could not adopt!

How are we voting to end the civil rights of people? How are we voting to decide what "family" means? It's bad enough that this country thinks it can define marriage...but family.

I know A LOT of hetersexual people WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE KIDS...but somewhere our country thinks that bad hetersexual parents is better than loving, nurturing homosexual parents.

Let me tell you this...I would gladly surrogate for a deserving homosexual couple in Arkansas because my babies are bliss and I wish everyone who wants to be a good, attentive, loving parent the ability to raise children.

COME ON AMERICA...Wake up! Land of the free, home of the brave? Land of the somewhat free and brave only when wielding a gun on foreign soil?

Bring democracy to America!

PS: At least Michigan passed the use of medical marijuana. :)

PSS: Thank you Madissen (my 11-year-old) for having the conscience that a lot of American's seem to be missing. I have raised you well. Please, continue your fight for others. Keep letting your little voice be heard, for one day...it will be a big one.