"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What? How did this happen? Obama-you have a mess to clean up! Please help us!

I posted my bittersweet comments on Adam's blog, but this morning I am OUTRAGED at this country.

Good for us...we elected Barack Obama...this excites me about the change possible in America!

BUT, what the hell happened in California, Nebraska, Arkansas, Arizona, and Florida?

California, Arizona, Florida all passed bans on gay marriage.

Nebraska voted to END affirmative action.

and Arkansas...ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME? They voted so that homosexuals could not adopt!

How are we voting to end the civil rights of people? How are we voting to decide what "family" means? It's bad enough that this country thinks it can define marriage...but family.

I know A LOT of hetersexual people WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE KIDS...but somewhere our country thinks that bad hetersexual parents is better than loving, nurturing homosexual parents.

Let me tell you this...I would gladly surrogate for a deserving homosexual couple in Arkansas because my babies are bliss and I wish everyone who wants to be a good, attentive, loving parent the ability to raise children.

COME ON AMERICA...Wake up! Land of the free, home of the brave? Land of the somewhat free and brave only when wielding a gun on foreign soil?

Bring democracy to America!

PS: At least Michigan passed the use of medical marijuana. :)

PSS: Thank you Madissen (my 11-year-old) for having the conscience that a lot of American's seem to be missing. I have raised you well. Please, continue your fight for others. Keep letting your little voice be heard, for one day...it will be a big one.


Blogger Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

And I don't think Arkansas specified "gay couples" but rather, no unmarried person can adopt.

I realize this was done as an attempt to homosexuals from adopting, but it also takes away the rights of people like my friend Shelly who decided she wanted to stay single, but yet wanted to be a mom. She now has two adopted daughters and is a wonderful, single mom by choice. Thank goodness she lives in Fresno and not Arkansas!

5:26 PM

Blogger Rebecca said...

The language of the initiative reads:
"Provides that a minor in Arkansas may not be adopted or placed in a foster home if the individual seeking to adopt or to serve as a foster parent is cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of a marriage which is valid under the constitution and laws of this state."

Shelly would be allowed to be single and adopt so long as she is not cohabitating with anyone.

This measure was listed as a ban on gay adoption.

6:22 PM

Blogger edluv said...

ban on gay adoption? i guess arkansas is just a little more open about their bigotry. we called ours a plan to protect marriages and children.

8:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

We had an amendment to end affirmative action on the ballot. Actually it was worded to end preferential treatment, but that's what it would do.

We voted against it, and here are the results. Closer than close!

50.7% No
49.2% Yes

9:48 AM


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