I don't know why, but this election is causing me some serious stress. The other day I caught myself wondering which thing I was more excited to see conclude...the election or my pregnancy (since both will be wrapping up around the same time)!
I want to scream at people who make less that $250,000 a year, are female or any other minority, and/or those who want to use their religious affiliation by suggesting moral authority in choosing a candidate--who aren't voting for Obama.
In the past, I was up for a good debate, but honestly...I don't know if it's because I am pregnant and have a much shorter fuse, or if I am just tired of what has been illogical management of our country and its resources...or maybe both? Sadly...I don't even have the vocabulary to debate and sound intelligent and articulate. I have become one of those people who aren't even willing to hear the "other side". I know I shouldn't be that way...but I don't know what has come over me.
Frustrated that there are far LESS people in the US making what I call "Republican" money in the US who vote based on social policy alone and don't recognize the economic implication of a tax break for the middle class.
Frustrated that part of the social policy that people think they have the right to govern--determines whether my beautiful friends who love each other very much and deserve every perk marriage has to offer both spiritually and financially can reap those benefits or not--determines whether or not my daughters who I will do my best to educated about sexuality and sex have access to safe and effective means of birth control as well as the right to abort a fetus should my education (or their hormones) fall short of "abstinence only" (which obviously works so well).
Frustrated because I didn't just want ANY woman in the White House, I wanted Hillary Clinton in the White House. Honestly...the woman has been a pioneer for women and social injustice for the better part of her life, but the woman that's being presented to us wants more restrictions placed on women, to drill more holes into the earth and the ozone, and has no platform or stance on increasing punishment (cruelty to animals gets a bigger fine in more cases than rape) for criminal offenses against women, and get lauded that she CHOSE to have her son...excuse me, but she is not allowed to be LAUDED for having a CHOICE...because according to her platform...she didn't have a CHOICE. Ok...and a little frustrated that our country is willing to right now to celebrate this woman because she may not be as "offensive" to look at...the glasses are flying off the shelf and are on back order.
Read me:
http://www.newsweek.com/id/157543OR me:
So...November 4 is a long ways away.
Hopefully, by November 5th...I will have a new beautiful baby girl in my arms whose parents will be better able to financially provide for her while her reproductive rights remain intact.
Hopefully, my new daughter, the granddaughter of a beautiful, strong, proud Black man who made a career out of fighting for this country's freedom and fighting for those who needed his assistance in natural disasters and was taken from it too soon...and my almost 12 year-old daughter whose budding into a beautiful, strong, proud Black woman...will be presented to a US that is Presidented by another beautiful, strong, proud Black man who will fight for this country's freedom and protect it's people from the disaster of electing John McCain/Sarah Palin.