Headed for a new beginning...sort of!
Joel and I got to Colorado early this morning to see me bestest buddy, Becky and the Jay. We were exhausted from the trip and managed to get in some good rest before Jay's family took care of us with a much needed fresh food brunch.
The rest of the day was spent with Becky and Jay seeing some sights and enjoying one another's company. I realized how much I miss her.
The new beginning I am headed for is in an old "home." I landed a great job at one of the best high schools in Northwest Ohio. I am registered for classes at the University of Toledo. Madissen will be going to to elementary school I went to as a child. All great, but it won't be home until Joel and I have the same address again. I guess I need to work on getting ready for a time when that can happen.
Before Ohio happens, Joel and I have some more miles to cover. No more trying to get there in one day. We only have this week together, so I want to enjoy the rest of the time like it is vacation. That means if the world's largest ball of twine is somewhere in Kansas, well we are going to find it.
So through all of the travels and visiting and bittersweet moments of the week, the question I keep asking myself is if I can begin again in someplace that I thought I ended?
I guess I will find out.