"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Starting Over

Moving back to Fresno has got me really excited for settling into my life. Finally, I feel at peace. I'm not running. It's okay to put pictures on the walls.

Joel and I are excited to be back together and building a life complete with Madissen and a new place to live and friends and maybe family additions (when we're ready, but maybe fairly soon as I'm not getting any younger).

When we made our lists of people we wanted to invite the wedding part of Vegas, we did so thinking first of family, of course. Then, we added people with whom we want to be a part of our extended family as we grow. If you can make it or not, we want you to know that we invtited you because we want to strengthen the bonds, regardless of how tight they were yesterday or last year or whenever. Thank you for being a part of our lives now and in the future!

We are so looking forward to June 15 (when I get back) and August 4 for really obvious reasons.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

There IS such a thing as second place!

All right... a Madissen post. Seems Ms. Madissen is having some trouble breaking into that exclusive "first place" club...but hey, we are totally all right with that.
On Sunday, Mads played for the soccer championship in her league. The game was tied 1-1 at the end of regulation, which meant a 2-minute sudden death. Each team got to pick 2 players and a goalie from who was on the field. Mads and her teammate Lexi were the 2 and the goalie was a little girl who has worked really hard all season. The other team was equally matched (power kicker to power kicker, good foot work to good foot work). To make a long story short, Mads got called for a bogus (and I am not just saying that because I am her mother...the parents from the other team said it was bogus, too) right outside our goal. Their power kicker nailed it into the goal on a direct kick. Game end. 2-1.
2nd Place.
Monday night Mads went to the Fulton County spelling bee where 2 kids per school district in Fulton County competed for "Top Speller" bragging rights. And...she walked away with 2nd place.
I am so proud of her. Not many kids get the opportunity to play the championship for anything. And not many kids make their own opportunity for their championship like she did with the spelling bee. Not to mention...look how well rounded she is--from soccer to spelling! No such thing as second place...I don't think so...
It's a great place to be!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sorry Its Been a While...

All right, my friends, so I have been gone from the blogging world for a while. Things were pretty busy over the last couple of weeks.

My father spent a few days in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. He was having trouble with his sugar and was feeling pretty bad. I am happy to report that he is feeling much better although his recovery process has been slow in getting him back to "normal". Considering my father when he's feeling well is more active than most people half his age, I think we can give him a little more time.

Then, I was in the process of putting together my employment packet for the job that I flew out for over the last weekend. I was offered the job and I accepted. I will be teaching AP Literature and British Literature at Liberty High School. I am really excited because I get to form the AP class around ME! How exciting is that. I am really happy to be moving back, too. So is Madissen. We know where we belong.

Oh...and I turned 33 on Saturday. 33. Mid-thirties. Whoo-hoo!

Today, I finished another semester at the University of Toledo. Trying to get through this semester in the midst of everything else was difficult. I am really glad it's over. I will only have 2 classes left to finish my master's degree. I won't be able to finish until the summer of 2008, but that is that it was going to be anyway (classes didn't fit).

Madissen is soccer queen. Even though I wasn't there on my birthday. She scored the goal to tie the game and then score the go-ahead for the win. She's doing well.

Joe'l and I are getting really excited to be back together full time! And even more excited for the wedding! Dresses are ordered. Tuxedos have been fitted. It's really happening. I couldn't be happier. Things are really coming together!

Happy Belated Birthdays to Adam and Heather...
