8 a.m. I must be...old
It is early Saturday morning and I am sitting here watching CMT. I know a lot of people who either love or hate country music...not many in betweeners. I guess what I didn't realize is how "dangerous" the videos have become. Did Shania Twain's belly button really nead to all of this? Having an 11 year-old, I always considered that country music was a "safe" alternative than listening to regular pop music or rap music. And even after watching these "dangerous" videos this morning, I still think so. There is skin and references to sex and drinking, but they're not actually doing it. And, Mads and I have bonded over this country music thing going to Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift and maybe Brad Paisley this summer. I don't think I could take her to Flo-Rida.
Or, maybe this just means I am old.