"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, April 26, 2008

8 a.m. I must be...old

It is early Saturday morning and I am sitting here watching CMT. I know a lot of people who either love or hate country music...not many in betweeners. I guess what I didn't realize is how "dangerous" the videos have become. Did Shania Twain's belly button really nead to all of this? Having an 11 year-old, I always considered that country music was a "safe" alternative than listening to regular pop music or rap music. And even after watching these "dangerous" videos this morning, I still think so. There is skin and references to sex and drinking, but they're not actually doing it. And, Mads and I have bonded over this country music thing going to Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift and maybe Brad Paisley this summer. I don't think I could take her to Flo-Rida.

Or, maybe this just means I am old.



Saturday, April 05, 2008

What do you do when...?

I went to school for 5 undergraduate years and have a bachelor's degree in education with a focus in comprehensive communications and English.

I have 6 hours away from a master's degree in Comparative Literature.

I have attended numerous hours of training in the teaching of writing.

I have attended numerous hours of continuing education courses as "updates" to new teaching practices are "developed."

I am a good teacher. That is a lie. I am a really good teacher.

...Where am I going with this...

What do you do when...

A community of people who DO NOT have the training I have believes it can dictate what I can and cannot teach in my classroom based on issues of religion and what I believe to be outright bigotry?

Is the only answer to teach in a different community?

Wait until I have a tenured voice and then tell them to &#%@ themselves.

...I have parents who don't want their SENIORS in high school to read ANGELA'S ASHES!
