"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Can't Wait to Settle Down!

So we got into Fresno on Thursday, June 14th and began moving in... piece by piece... little by little...still not done, but at least I am here!

The errands have seemed endless as we are also trying to finalize wedding plans (as well as find much needed cheap pieces of furniture...especially book cases so if you see any let us know). Everything is finalized...just needs to be paid for.

But really, folks, I just can't wait to settle down!

Today is June 24 and I am in San Diego for a week. I have only been back for 10 days, but work calls. I am here for a convention (and come on--what a better place for a convention than San Diego) for the advanced placement class that I will be teaching at my new school.

But, settle I will.

When I get back, my Fresno friends, let's do some food (or some drink)!


Thursday, June 07, 2007

I'll Be Back

My friends,

Although I have been making more of an attempt to blog lately...

I will be taking a short break until June 16th or so.

Phone/Internet service is being disconnected tomorrow (June 8)!

We are leaving dark and early Monday (June 11)!

See you all soon!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Some help with reality...

All right...

So Madissen's father is not going to change and I am going to have to deal with the same headaches as before (planning her visitation schedule which is a waste of time because there really is no "visitation" going on for the most part, worrying about her when she does visit as he undermines the way I have brought Mads up, worry about the lack of activity she gets as well as her fast food diet also while visiting, arguing about money issues as he thinks the "child support" he gives me covers everything she participates in as well as a little extra to have my hair and nails done, etc...).

I cannot for the life of me understand why this little girl of mine keeps giving him chance after chance after broken promise after broken promise. Funny, I am the one who follows through on his promises for him.

He talks to her once a week and sees her once a month...AND WE LIVE 40 MINUTES away!

ok...so like I said, nothing is changed and I highly doubt anything will change.

Question is...what advice do you all have on making this move, this time around, easier for me and for Mads?

I mean, what I would like is to think that I can...have...will create a "family" back in Fresno that will combat the negativity. The family we have here isn't really much of a family and I think that is what she is looking for the most...a group of people to belong to that love her. I am not enough.

We have Joe'l and that is a blessing. He is a good father figure to her, but she needs...wants extended family.

But...any other advice? Ideas? Whaddaya have folks...cuz I AM NOT coming back for it to be like it was...

:) Peace

Friday, June 01, 2007

go BACK west young woman...HIGHLIGHTS

June 11...I leave for Cali...again...

June 15...we move into our new apartment...

June 18...I sign paperwork for my new job...

June 19...I breathe!...and start preparing curriculum for my new teaching gig!

(Nice break in between...)

July 15-20...San Diego AP conference...

July 21...Wedding shower...

August 4...I'm getting Married

August 12...Back to school with an additional name!