"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How I Sleep at Night

Once I move back to Ohio, I realize that I will have to do a better job at keeping up my blog...

I haven't posted since my birthday, yet that is not to say there is nothing happening. I have been dealing daily with the parents of students who are failing my class. Notice I said students who are failing my class, not students who I am failing. Parents seem to perceive that differently. (Read with sarcasm)...I want kids to fail. What? I want kids to fail?

I have heard that, and a plethora of others.
"I'm glad you have to do whatever you have to do to sleep at night?"
"You should have called me. How was I supposed to know my son missed 5 1/2 weeks of school?"
"Not only should you accept late work, if a kid wants to work on a Saturday to make up work...you should be there."

and then there are some kids...

"Why do I have to have all of my work done in order to do EXTRA credit?"
"What is my percentage?" "A 30%? I thought it was a 33%" "Damn"
"Can you tell me if I am going to graduate?"
"Why can't I pass? I have a 46%"

I have complaints into the board and district about me. I am having to defend my integrity on a daily basis.


"Ms. Harp...I got a job because of you!"
"Ms. Harp, my son loves to read. You did that."
"Ms. Harp, I learned more in your class in one year than all three years of English combined."

THAT is how I sleep at night.


Blogger edluv said...

keep up the good work. i never will understand how many parents blame the teacher. there are cases where the teacher may share in the blame, but generally, it the verdict belongs to the student.

10:48 PM

Blogger Adam said...

Sock it to 'em Ms. Harp.

10:15 AM


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