"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Goings-On...

Whoo hoo!

All right...so I am sitting here supposedly working on homework due tomorrow, but needed a little break. I feel really bad that I have not kept up with my friends, and won't give excuses other than I have been busy. Sad. I know. Please don't be afraid to make me slow down...or in the least, call if something is happening and you know about it ahead of time (like 2 weeks). I will put it in my calendar and make it happen...especially things like art hop.

After I get my homework emailed for the week, I will start next week's work so I can get a head start. I am picking Mads up in LA on Monday; she's been at her dad's for 2 weeks. We then stay in LA for Tuesday and Wednesday basketball tournaments.

Thursday, Mads and I will be attending the Indigo Girls concert at Tower Theatre. Excited for that.

Friday, the 17th...we will be doing whatever the A-Team plans!

19th...Monterey Bay Acquarium

20th...my A-Team day!

21st-25th...Mads, Elle, and I leave for a basketball tournament in Vegas. You see we are there until Saturday. We leave right after the last game to go back to LA.

25-28th...in LA for another basketball tournament.

28th...I leave (with Elle for Ohio/Michigan) until August 7. Joel and Mads will be joining me when she finishes her basketball tournament at Fresno State.

School starts August 10th.

So as you can see...this is how I spend most of my time. Helping coach this team...taking care of my family...and working on my MEd. Most of the time I am exhausted, but I would love to make time to see everyone on a regular basis when I get back from Ohio.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

So no I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth.

I am here.

Adam even stopped inviting me places.

But, I am here.

2 kids. summer school. master's classes. 3 kids (i forgot the big one named joe'l)...i know excuses, excuses.

I will be back. Does anyone still check it? If not...I may not be back.

Will you send me a message if you still check up on me...

Maybe I will post just for you.
