"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Ellery goes to day care tomorrow.

One more week.

Just one more week with her at home!

Ok...how about til June 5.

Not much to ask for.

According to a recent article I read, teachers are overpaid and underworked babysitters (wonder if they would say this if it were a profession dominated by men)...if all I am doing is babysitting other people's kids...why can't I take my own with me?


The mysteries in life.

By the way...as an UNDERPAID and OVERworked English teacher... I resent ANYONE who thinks it is opposite (however...if the state keeps taking away teachers' creative rights in the classroom by throwing more standardized tests at us which keeps our school districts requiring its teachers to teach to the test...yeah...pretty much any trained monkey could do that...I guess.)


Wednesday, January 07, 2009


A week of friendships rekindled!

Sunday--I had coffee with Adam at Revue! Oh how I miss both Adam and Tower! It was fantastic to catch up!

Tuesday--I had breakfast with my friend Rhonda from my Sanger teaching days. I loved seeing her and hearing how everything is going at Sanger. (Shhh...I miss it there, too).

Wednesday--Lunch with JJ and Erica! Met JJ at Sanger, but today was about families. Vaughn and Ellery got to meet one another while I got to hang out with my beautiful friends.

Wednesday night--ok...when I was 15, I met the most amazing man who befriended me in a way that I didn't know. Kevin...like my brother. Looked out for me. Took care of me. Invited me into his family. No dating. No funny stuff. Kev and I were friends for a long time. I moved to Cali and lost track of him. I don't know how or what happened...but I lost him. Then...Facebook happened! I found him. We spent 1/2 chatting on Facebook and catching up. I got to see pics of his family and his kids. Amazing.

So---I have no time Thursday, but I have Friday open. Wanna hit me up to reconnect...let's do it!

Saturday--my bestest cousin Dawn is supposed to come into town! She moved to South Dakota and I miss her. Yeah! I want to see her so bad.

That btw is my New Year's Resolution: be a better friend!
