Been a While...
Wow! I have not been a very good blogger these days. Whether it is laziness or business I am not sure. Oddly enough, not much has been happening.
What I have been doing is searching for the next career step in my life. Master's degree? In what? Is law school out of the question? What to do now? Where to go...
Many aspects of my life have settled down into a contented rhythm, but this career thing keeps hanging over my head.
I know I am a good teacher, but I am ready to try something new. Maybe if it is just teaching at the next level, but I don't know. I hope it is not sad to say that teaching could always be something I have to "fall back on."
But, that is where I am right now. Looking at Fresno State and the surrounding for continuing my education and deciding where to take my career from here.
Any suggestions?