"The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says, but rather to what he does not say." --Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, June 14, 2008

If you want your child to ACT like an animal...

Treat him like one.

I don't know if it is just noticing this more, or if the usage of kiddie-leashes is on the rise. Sometimes, it looks like a regular old doggy harness and sometimes, it is attached to a cuddly looking backpack. Nonetheless...it's a leash!

One woman I saw the other day kept tugging her son back while she was standing trying to talk to someone. He would then get a running start and try to get away, until of course he realized he was literally at the end of his rope...and he would stumble or fall backward. Then, he figured if he stood at the very end of the leash a put all his weight forward, he might get his mom to budge. I used to have a German shephard that did the same thing. Now...finally...the boy collapses down on all fours and starts crawling around (mind you he was about 4 or 5). His mom started yelling at him to get up off the floor and stop acting like an animal! What? Are you f'ing kidding me? What kept me from going over and telling the woman she was a giant ass of contradiction?...knowing that I have made my own parenting mistakes and thinking that there were things I had done that I wouldn't proud of today if someone reminded me of...


I just don't see how people can ever justify putting their children on leashes.

And that's all I got.


Blogger edluv said...

your post reminded me of g.clooney's daughters all tied together with string in o brother, where art thou?

i don't know if i'd put my kid on a leash like that. then again, when you see the other side where a kid is running around all bonkers, i'm not sure what's worse.

10:20 PM

Blogger Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Last night on NBC they ran the Best of Mike Meyers. Scott and laughed, again, at the "Hyper-Hypo" skit. Too funny. Did this kid wear a helmet with "philip" written on masking tape on the top?

But in all seriousness, I think you and I and other teachers see how much damage parents can do with even the best intentions. Sometimes it makes it rough to go out in public and view the relationships parents have with their children. I posted about something similar to that just yesterday.

Can't wait to see you by the way! Just a couple more days! (and I can't wait to see that belly!! Yes, I did just say that!) :)

11:46 AM


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